Flash Flood Breaker (2024 – 2027)
The Flash Flood Breaker project is funded through the EU Interreg NWE Programme and runs from January 2024 to June 2027.
Main Focus

Challenge: Flash flooding impacts significantly on people and infrastructure and in recent years has led to devasting consequences across North West Europe. Climate change is likely to further exacerbate flash flood events and the potential subsequent destructive consequences.

The objective is to make NWE more resilient to extreme flash flood events. By the end of the Flsh Flood Breaker project, organisations responsible for flood management and residents in 7 risk-affected areas (DE/Emscher-Lippe area, NL/Limburg & North-Holland, BE/Wallonia & Flanders, Ireland, FR/Moselle), who are currently not fully aware or prepared, will be empowered to assess their vulnerability, to strengthen their resilience and to collectively and individually reduce the hazards and better act in case of extreme flash floods.

MTU will be involved in a range of project activities including hydrological modelling to assess flash flood impacts on a range of selected catchments in Ireland and in partner countries.


12 Project Partners across 6 Countries, a large number of Associated Partners with 4 Associated Partners in Ireland. The Project Lead Partner is Emschergenossenschaft (Germany).

Research Partners