Ireland’s energy transformation faces many challenges, including decommissioning due to aging infrastructure, upscaling of existing infrastructure, or replacement of components due to operational fatigue. Wind Energy Europe suggested WTBs landfill ban, coming into action in 2025. In the same year, it is estimated that 11000 tons of blade material will be decommissioned in Ireland. The life cycle assessment suggests that the environmental impact of every tonne of blade diverted from landfill is 342 kg CO2 emission equivalent saved. The International Energy Agency recognized that there is no clear path dealing with the blade waste and formed the working group Wind Task 45 addressing the issue recognizing that WTBs made of thermoset composite material are difficult to recycle due to the nature of the material and that blade waste should be treated as a resource to create asset.
The EirBLADE team is proposing the creation of a national repository of decommissioned WTBs, which would contain comprehensive technical information on blade waste available on the Irish market. The idea is to centralise the information, but also standardise methods of testing and assessment, such as blade origins, history, geometry, and condition rating (based on visual inspection, non-destructive and destructive testing, material characterisation, and modelling). The blades will be tagged and linked to a purpose-built database. It is envisaged that the EirBLADE database will serve WT owners, the WTB second-hand market, and the public to order-off-the shelf decommissioned WTBs with known structural properties that can be readily reused as required in new structures and repurposed to their requirements. The EirBLADE repository will be a key part of the infrastructure required to facilitate and maximise the energy transformation that is currently in Ireland, and to achieve a resource-efficient circular economy.
The project duration is from 1st June 2023 to 30th November 2025 and comprises three stages: the Concept (6 months), Seed (12 months), and Grow (12 months) Phases. The core team members are Dr Vesna Jaksic (MTU), the project lead, Dr Paul Leahy (UCC), the project co-lead, and Dr Cormac Ó Súilleabháin (Cork County Council), the project societal impact champion.
The total project value is €640,256.