HYDROSED Project (2020 – 2024)
HydroSed is the acronyms for Hydrological & Sediment Impacts of Forestry Operations. This programme is funded by Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine. The total project value is €600,000 with the project duration from September 2020 to August 2024.
Main Focus

Challenge: Forestry is a significant pressure to many rivers and streams to meet Water Quality Requirements. The project will identify a number of pilot catchments with forestry activity planned. These catchments will be instrumented to determine baseline hydrologic and hydraulic conditions and also conditions in the post-forestry activity period. The work will also involve hydrologic modelling and assessment of the impacts of forestry activity on sediment release to rivers.

MTU’s activities include hydrological catchment modelling, site sediment sampling and sediment impact assessment for forested catchments. 


4 Project Partners (UCD, MTU, Coillte, Green Belt Ltd.) with Lead Partner: The Water Resources Centre, UCD.

Research Partners