Dr. Bidroha Basu holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and his research area focuses on water resources engineering, water and air quality modelling, analysis of hydro-meteorological hazards, climate change, and remote sensing and GIS.
Dr. Basu has been active in research for 16 years and has published extensively in high impact international journals. Overall, he has been involved in preparing over 40 peer-reviewed journals publications, 3 book chapters and over 25 conference proceedings along with several project reports such as FAIRMODE, iSCAPE, OPERANDUM, EPA Diesel project.
Currently, Dr. Basu is leading one work package in an ongoing Irish EPA funded project focussing on the analysis of climate and land cover change in the water quality of Ireland, and was involved in a Science Foundation Ireland funded project focussing on detection and removal of plastic pollution in Dublin bay in the coordination of citizens using citizen science approach. Dr. Basu had worked on four EU funded projects and two Irish funded projects as a researcher over the past 6 years before joining MTU Cork.
Dr. Basu presently serves as guest editor for special issues in the Frontiers and Sustainability journal and has reviewed over 200 manuscripts over the past 5 years. Dr. Basu is recipient of Prof. N S Govinda Rao Medal Best Ph.D. Thesis Award 2015-16 from Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science; Visiting Research Fellow under NSF CAREER project at North Carolina State University, and Ministry of Human Resource and Development, India fellowship for PG Studies.
Research Areas
Hydrology, Extreme Events Modelling, Climate Change Modelling, Water Quality Analysis, Remote Sensing and GIS, Air Pollution Analysis, Statistical Analysis