Build Digital Project (2022 – 2026)
The Build Digital Project is funded through the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER). The total project value is €2.5m, over the project lifetime from January 2022 to December 2026; MTU’s funding is approximately €360,000.
Main Focus

Challenge: The digitilisation of the Irish Construction Sector is a key challenge as identified by the Irish Construction Sector Group. This digitilisation is essential to increased efficiency and greater sustainability across the sector. 

The Build Digital Project is intended ol transform the Irish construction and built environment sectors by enabling all stakeholders, particularly SMEs, clients, and suppliers, to develop, maintain, and continuously improve their capabilities as digitally enabled, standards-based, agile, collaborative, and sustainable participants in  the delivery of Project Ireland 2040. The Project focuses on 5 key pillars of Digital Leadership & Cultural Change, Digital Standards, Digital Education & Training, Digital Procurement and Sustainability and Climate Action. 

MTU has overall responsibility for co-leading the plllars of Digital Leadership & Cultural Change and Digital Education & Training.

MTU Project Lead and Team:
Research Partners